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12d Model V15

WARNING: Any PROJECTS opened, modified and/or saved with V15 can not be opened with V14 or any earlier versions of 12d Model.

IMPORTANT - Options Logs being stored and emailed back to 12d Solutions
At the end of each 12d Model 15 session, an Options.txt file is emailed back to 12d Solutions.

This is the same file that is sent back when you have a crash in V15.
To see what information is in the file, the file is also saved in the folder options_logs in your Working Folder.

To turn off options logging and NOT EMAIL the log file back to 12d Solutions, set the env variable USE_OPTIONS_LOGFILE_4D to 0.

Comprehensive notes for installing 12d Model 15 and all the links to the required files are given in the Installing 12d Model 15 Installing Release Version pdf, including links to Getting Started Guides:

Installer Download Links are on PAGE 8, chapter 3.3 12d Model Installs for Windows 10, and 11.

Version Build Date Download Link Whats New
V15.0C1n 29/12/2023 Download Download
V15.0C1k 17/10/2023 Download Download
V15.0C1j 16/06/2023 Download Download
V15.0C1h 5/05/2023 Download Download
V15.0C1g 12/11/2022 Download Download
V15.0C1f 13/09/2022 Download Download

12d Model V14

WARNING: Any PROJECTS opened, modified and/or saved with V14 can not be opened with V14c1a or any earlier versions of 12d Model.

IMPORTANT - Options Logs being stored and emailed back to 12d Solutions
At the end of each 12d Model 14 session, an Options.txt file is emailed back to 12d Solutions.

This is the same file that is sent back when you have a crash in V14.
To see what information is in the file, the file is also saved in the folder options_logs in your Working Folder.

To turn off options logging and NOT EMAIL the log file back to 12d Solutions, set the env variable USE_OPTIONS_LOGFILE_4D to 0.

Comprehensive notes for installing 12d Model 14 and all the links to the required files are given in the Installing 12d Model 14 Installing Release Version pdf, including links to Getting Started Guides:

Installer Download Links are on PAGE 9, chapter 3.4 12d Model Installs for Windows 7, 8.1 and 10.

Version Build Date Download Link
V14.0C2m 22/12/2022 Download
V14.0C2k 23/04/2021 Download
V14.0C2j 20/01/2021 Download
V14.0c2h 11/06/2020 Download
V14.0c2g 3/03/2020 Download
V14.0C2f 17/10/2019 Download
V14.0C2d 4/07/2019 Download

12d Model V12

Comprehensive notes for installing 12d Model 12 and all the links to the required files are given in the Installing 12d Model 12 Installing Release Version pdf, including links to Getting Started Guides:

WARNING: Any PROJECTS opened, modified and/or saved with V12 can not be opened with V11 or any earlier versions of 12d Model.

Version Build Date Download Link
V12.0C1u 6/05/2020 Download
V12.0C1t 31/03/2019 Download
V12.0C1r 21/12/2018 Download
V12.0C1p 10/09/2018 Download
V12.0C1m 10/04/2018 Download
V12.0C1k 21/01/2018 Download
V12.0C1j 3/10/2017 Download