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12d Model Urban Drainage

Drainage Flyer

The Drainage module allows the design and management of horizontal and vertical drainage networks, typically those required for new land subdivisions and development projects. Existing drainage networks can be reproduced easily for analysis or realignment designs.

The drainage string itself consists of pits or manholes, joined by straight or curved pipes. Invert levels and pipe grades can be automatically adjusted, set and modified either graphically or by typed input. Manhole and pipe type libraries are able to be customised to suit local authorities or manufacturers.

For either large or small networks, 12d can control pit naming, pipe and manhole alignments, plan creation and longsection production.

The drainage network can be exported to spreadsheet or other design packages like Drains, PCdrain, XP SWMM, RAT2000, RATHGL, ILSAX, WINDES (Micro Drainage) and spreadsheets (Some of these are separate modules).

Clashes with other drainage networks or services are managed for the network, with clashes reported and modifications suggested in problem areas.

The network can then be reported for pit schedules, pipe schedules and excavation quantities tallied. Drainage design can be as simple or complex as the project dictates.