12d Solutions and COVID-19

During this unprecedented global event, there are so many questions for all of us as we navigate unchartered territory.
Many of our users are looking at working from home, and one of the questions we are being asked is if there are any 12d Solutions licence restrictions when doing so.
Rest assured there are NO 12d Solutions licensing restrictions for working from home. Standalone dongles can be used anywhere and anytime, and there is no restriction on accessing 12d Model network licences from outside the office. That is, there is no restriction on using VPN, or opening up a port, to access your 12d Model licences from home.
However, it may be that your IT department is unclear on how to proceed, so if this is the case, please contact your local Sales team to discuss how we can help.
Our staff are almost exclusively working remotely now, and the safety of all concerned remains our top priority.
All face-to-face 12d Model training (including in-house) will remain postponed until further notice. In the meantime, we're starting to conduct some online training – register your interest by emailing training@iscdt.com.au - you can even nominate which courses you'd like to attend online!
The 12d Technical Forum has been postponed, to 1-3 August 2021. The Innovation Awards will likewise be postponed to 2021.
In making these difficult decisions, we're committed to supporting the health and well-being of our staff, 12d users, and the wider community.
We appreciate your understanding in this unprecedented global situation. We hope you all stay safe during this difficult time.