12d Model in action

We’re often asked questions by new users about how 12d Model software is used. While we’ve always had a Case Studies section on our website, we recognised in recent times that it had become a bit unruly.

With over 100 case studies online, and more being posted regularly, there’s a lot to look at!

As such, we’ve updated the way these are displayed, with the more recent stories near the top of the page. We’ve also streamlined the categories, so when you ‘Sort By Type’ (top right-hand corner), you can more easily find the topics you’re looking for.

You can also ‘Sort By Company’ and ‘Sort By Location’.

If you’d like to suggest a case study for us to follow up, or if you’ve got a project you’re working on that you’d like us to feature on our website (or perhaps in an upcoming issue of The Dirt Digger), please feel free to get in touch (you can email Lisa at info@12d.com)!

Posted on September 28, 2020 at 4:23 pm

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