Drainage and Object 3D Clash Detection in 12d Model

Recently, we replayed another of our most popular webinars from 2018, ‘Drainage and Object 3D Clash Detection in 12d Model’. This session was presented by Dylan Revell of 12d NZ.

Not only does 12d Model allow its users to create comprehensive 3D and BIM Models of surveys, road designs and water modelling, it also provides tools for users to analyse and check the effect of these models spatially against one another.

This webinar will cover tools for users to visually identify, report, and process 3D model interference or ‘clash’ occurrences for tins, strings, and trimesh objects.

Please note that this will be a live replay of a very popular webinar held in June; attendees will be welcome to ask questions during the presentation and these will be responded to by email after it finishes.

Watch the video now to hear more about this great topic!

Posted on January 14, 2019 at 12:55 pm

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