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Pavement Manager

I caught up with Peter Taynton of 12d Queensland to discuss an exciting new development for 12d Model 15…updates to Pavement Manager. Pavement Manager will now include: Unlimited... (more)

Sub-Grid Sampling and Quadtree

TUFLOW’s recent implementation of Sub-Grid Sampling and Quadtree grid refinement produces quality results without the need for a small cell size throughout the entire TUFLOW grid. 12d Model... (more)


MetaConnex is the latest 12d Model tool that empowers data consistency. It’s flexible and powerful, and connects your data to your metadata (attributes) requirements. I caught up with Paul Hardwick... (more)

CSI – An Interface for Stormwater Planning

I caught up with Mal Peaker of 12d Queensland for the second episode in our new ‘What’s Coming from 12d’ Webinar Series: CSI – An Interface for Stormwater... (more)

12d Model 15 Themes

In this first episode of our brand-new ‘What’s Coming from 12d’ Webinar Series, Dylan Revell of 12d NZ introduces us to the exciting development of Themes inside 12d... (more)

Wellington Water

Wellington Water is made up of six Councils within the Wellington Region and is responsible for receiving and validating three-waters asset information from civil engineering projects in their... (more)

12d Model and Point Clouds

With laser scanning and Lidar information becoming more and more prevalent in the day-to-day operations of our 12d Model users, we thought it was a good time to... (more)

More on 12d Model Customisation

Customisation inside 12d Model can be as easy as setting up a title block file or editing the Project Details Panel to have variables more specific to your own workflows... (more)

Using FME with 12d Model

I caught up with our co-founder and Managing Director, Dr Lee Gregory, to chat about Using FME with 12d Model. 12d Model has a very rich data set... (more)

BIM Data Management to Field Setout

I caught up with our Product Sales Manager for 12d Field, Graham Wirth, to chat about BIM Data Management to Field Setout. This presentation explored the difficulties surveyors... (more)

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