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Multipage Plots in 12d Model 14

I caught up with Dylan Revell of 12d NZ yesterday to chat about all things MPS, in a great webinar with a lot of very engaged and inquisitive... (more)

Overland Flow and Flood Extents

I caught up with Owen Thornton of 12d Queensland for the fifth episode of his Stormwater Drainage Design Fundamentals series: Overland Flow and Flood Extents. Owen demonstrated the... (more)

12d Technical Forum and Innovation Awards 2021

Postponement As most of you would know by now, in the wake of the recent COVID-19 virus outbreak, the team behind the 12d Technical Forum made the tough... (more)

Working from home, and other stories…

Prior to COVID-19, I never saw myself as the ‘working from home type’. I’ve always quite liked going in to the office, seeing my colleagues…emailing/talking to customers and... (more)

Catchments, Rainfall, and Runoff – oh, my!

Yesterday, I caught up with 12d Queensland’s Owen Thornton again, for Episode 4 of the incredibly popular webinar series, Stormwater Drainage Design Fundamentals. This episode – the fourth of... (more)

Trimesh BIM Create and Edit Part 2 (Advanced)

I caught up with Peter Taynton of 12d Queensland (online) again earlier today for the 6th and final episode in his very popular ‘Trimesh BIM’ Training Webinar series.... (more)

12d Field Pickup in 12d Model 14

I caught up with Graham Wirth yesterday to chat about 12d Field Pickup in 12d Model 14 (Configuration and Setup). This informative Training Webinar ran through the setup,... (more)

Trimesh BIM Create/Edit – Part 1 (Basic)

Earlier today, I caught up with 12d Queensland’s Peter Taynton for the fifth episode in his Trimesh BIM Objects series, Trimesh BIM Create/Edit – Part 1 (Basic). This webinar... (more)

Giving Your Water Networks a Geometry Lesson

I caught up with Owen Thornton of 12d Queensland yesterday for the third episode of his Stormwater Drainage Design Fundamentals webinar series: Give Your Water Networks a Geometry... (more)

Creating Water Networks in 12d Model

I caught up with Owen Thornton of 12d Queensland last week to chat about creating water networks in 12d Model. His series of training webinars – Stormwater Drainage... (more)

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