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Trimesh BIM Create and Edit Part 2 (Advanced)

I caught up with Peter Taynton of 12d Queensland (online) again earlier today for the 6th and final episode in his very popular ‘Trimesh BIM’ Training Webinar series.... (more)

12d Field Pickup in 12d Model 14

I caught up with Graham Wirth yesterday to chat about 12d Field Pickup in 12d Model 14 (Configuration and Setup). This informative Training Webinar ran through the setup,... (more)

Trimesh BIM Create/Edit – Part 1 (Basic)

Earlier today, I caught up with 12d Queensland’s Peter Taynton for the fifth episode in his Trimesh BIM Objects series, Trimesh BIM Create/Edit – Part 1 (Basic). This webinar... (more)

Giving Your Water Networks a Geometry Lesson

I caught up with Owen Thornton of 12d Queensland yesterday for the third episode of his Stormwater Drainage Design Fundamentals webinar series: Give Your Water Networks a Geometry... (more)

Creating Water Networks in 12d Model

I caught up with Owen Thornton of 12d Queensland last week to chat about creating water networks in 12d Model. His series of training webinars – Stormwater Drainage... (more)

Setting Out BIM

Paul Hardwick from 12d Queensland addressed our 2018 12d Technical Forum delegates about ‘Setting Out BIM’. BIM: As smart as it looks? To Paul, this topic is about... (more)

Traffic Light Layout and Basic Line Marking in 12d Model

I caught up with 12d Queensland’s Peter Taynton to chat about Traffic Light Layout and Basic Line Marking in 12d Model. This webinar was Part 4 in Peter’s ‘Trimesh... (more)

2019 in Review…and What’s In Store for 2020!

2020 is going to be another big year for us – hear all about it from our Managing Director/CEO, Dr Lee Gregory! He also takes you through our... (more)

Lee on 12d View 14, (mainly) for 12d Modellers

I caught up with our co-founder and Managing Director, Dr Lee Gregory, earlier this week to discuss 12d View – a free 12d Model project viewer which can look... (more)

Trimesh Objects for Sub-Surface Utilities

I caught up with Peter Taynton of 12d Queensland to chat about trimesh objects for sub-surface utilities. A variety of shape definitions is shipped with 12d Model software.... (more)

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