12d Blog
12d and TMR Light Up
Sudharsanan Loganathan of the Department of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland (TMR) spoke to our Technical Forum audience about a lighting module in 12d Model he’s been working... (more)
12d Helps Build a Better World
What can we do to shape a better world? Charity, the environment, education, and health all spring to mind as areas to focus on… Since its humble roots... (more)
Drainage 2D in 12d Model
12d Water Resources Engineer Rob Graham is our ‘go-to guy’ for all things Drainage 2D. Watch this video to hear him talk about this exciting aspect of 12d Model!... (more)
J. Wyndham Prince’s Winning Innovation Award Entry
We caught up with David Healy – Senior Design Engineer, J. Wyndham Prince – who has been with the firm for about nine years, and in the engineering... (more)
12d Model Clash Detection
12d Model Clash Detection 12d Model Programmer Hanh Cao addressed our 2018 Technical Forum audience about Clash Detection in 12d Model. 12d Model 12 – Supported Data... (more)
12d Model YouTube Playlists
Did you know…that we have a veritable plethora of playlists on our 12d Model YouTube Channel? With over 600 videos from our uploads alone, it can be hard... (more)
Tips for the Plot Paramater File (PPF) Editors in 12d Model
I caught up with Owen Thornton of 12d Queensland to chat about his best tips for the Plot Paramater File (PPF) Editors in 12d Model software. This webinar... (more)
12d acts locally (while ‘thinking globally’, as ever)
It’s not often we at 12d Solutions get to travel ‘just down the road’ to see 12d Model in action – most of the projects we’ve seen it... (more)
Combined 12d Field
I caught up with 12d Field Product Sales and Marketing Manager Graham Wirth to chat about Combined 12d Field. This presentation reviews the improvements made to 12d Field... (more)
12d Model Design – The Basics
I caught up with Graeme Winfield of 12d Queensland to chat about some of the basics in 12d Model for Design. In this video, Graeme covers such topics... (more)
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