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Tips for the Plot Paramater File (PPF) Editors in 12d Model

I caught up with Owen Thornton of 12d Queensland to chat about his best tips for the Plot Paramater File (PPF) Editors in 12d Model software. This webinar... (more)

12d acts locally (while ‘thinking globally’, as ever)

It’s not often we at 12d Solutions get to travel ‘just down the road’ to see 12d Model in action – most of the projects we’ve seen it... (more)

Combined 12d Field

I caught up with 12d Field Product Sales and Marketing Manager Graham Wirth to chat about Combined 12d Field. This presentation reviews the improvements made to 12d Field... (more)

12d Model Design – The Basics

I caught up with Graeme Winfield of 12d Queensland to chat about some of the basics in 12d Model for Design. In this video, Graeme covers such topics... (more)

Arup – 12d Innovation Awards 2018 – Overall Winning Entry

Arup Sydney’s entry in our Innovation Awards last year was truly fantastic. On the Parramatta Light Rail (Stage 1) project, they utilised 12d Model in innovative ways, bringing... (more)

Super Alignment Computators and Chains

In this popular webinar video, Tim Brooks of 12d Queensland looks at using various Computators in 12d Model Super Alignments, and how these are used to create a... (more)

Changes to Surveying

Over the years, Survey Managers such as Greg Cech of ESO Surveyors in Sydney have seen great changes in technology and in working practices across the industry. Tools... (more)

Finding Things Fast in 12d Model

I caught up with Owen Thornton of 12d Queensland to chat about his ideas for ‘Finding Things Fast in 12d Model’.  You can watch the video here: In... (more)

12d, ESO, and the Northern Beaches Hospital

We caught up with Greg Cech from ESO Surveyors, who is currently employed as the Survey Manager on the Northern Beaches Hospital road infrastructure job. Greg has been... (more)

Civil BIM and IFCs

12d CEO Dr Lee Gregory addressed our 2018 Technical Forum audience about Civil BIM and Industry Foundation Classes (IFCs) in 12d Model. View his talk here. Everyone is... (more)

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