Introduction to 12d Model 14

Earlier this week, we ran a webinar – ‘Introduction to 12d Model 14’ – which was presented by our co-founder and Managing Director, Dr Lee Gregory, who has 39 years of experience in the civil software industry. Lee is a founding member of the Open BIM Alliance, and a member of buildingSMART.

In 12d Model 14, we’ve updated the menu structure, and streamlined a lot of processes, thanks to user feedback. This will be a vast improvement in the long run, but we understand changes can take some getting used to. To this effect, Lee walked us through some of the changes, to help the switch to 12d Model 14 to be made with ease!

Lee looked at some of the general features that you’ll first notice when using 12d Model 14. Over the coming months, we will run webinars offering a detailed look at the major 12d Model 14 options. 12d Model 14 is undergoing continuous development, and sub-versions are regularly released with both bug fixes and new functionality.

12d Model 14 Release Sequence

  • 12d Model Beta Forum
  • 12d Model Forum
  • Update checker turned on
  • Posted on

The latest released version is 12d Model 14 C2b, and we are currently working on 12d Model 14 C2c. Lee used images from 12d Model 14 C2c.

New Menu Structure in 12d Model 14

Introduction to 12d Model 14

New Menu Structure – 12d Model 14

Drainage-Sewer Replaced by Water

  • Node replaces pit/maintenance hole
  • Link replaces pipe

New BIM and Volumes menus.

How to Find Options

  • Upgraded Search for 12d Model Options
  • Now searches menus and most panels
  • If spaces between entered words:

searches for items with all the words

  • If commas:

searches for any of the words

  • Horizontal and vertical sliders

Project Settings

  • Settings that are saved with the project
  • Replaces Defaults etc.
  • Turn Super Inquire on/off
  • Set Inquire Style
  • Copy Inquire information to clipboard
  • Autosave screen layout – saves most menus and panels on Exit so they appear when you start up again.

User Defined Menus

In 12d Model 14, Users can define their own menu structure to replace the shipped 12d Model Menu. There will be a ‘magic button’ to restore the original menu structure if needed (in particular for Support).


  • Drainage Analysis – Australian Rainfall and Runoff 2016
  • Extended pits for Water string
  • Risers for Water string
  • User defined house controls

Multipage Plots

  • A total rewrite of MPS for V14
  • “sheets” is no longer used
  • It is V12 MPS on steroids
  • 12d Model 14 “MPS” is displayed as a tree with three levels – Book, Chapter, and Page

The hierarchy of Book, Chapter and Page allows items such as Frames, Text, Title blocks, Symbols and Models to be defined at the Book or Chapter level, and have them automatically apply to all the Pages in the lower levels.


Any of these can be overridden for a Chapter and/or Page.

  • There are new types of frames to draw on a page
  • And Referencing makes overriding a breeze.
  • There are Special Chapters which allow you to include any number of pages from
  • And of course the MPS text variables $current_page and $total_pages automatically adjust for the special chapters.


  • What’s New in 12d Model 14 Summary
  • What’s New in 12d Model 14 PDF
  • 12d Model 14 Reference manual PDF
  • 12d Model 14 Programming Language manual PDF
  • Getting Started for Design PDF
  • Getting Started for Surveying PDF

12d Model 14 also includes

  • GDA 2020 – MGA 2020
  • 12d Field Pickup – total rewrite and combined with Setout
  • 12d Field Setout

Can BIM be Civil ?

  • Can BIM be applied to Civil Infrastructure?
  • Can Civil BIM be implemented without cost blowouts in the design and construction phases?
  • Creating trimeshes for pavements and roadside furniture
Introduction to 12d Model 14

Creating trimeshes from Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM) rings

12d Model 14 and Civil BIM

  • Large coordinates allowed – e.g. Eastings and Northings
  • Handles large and long horizontal projects
  • A Helix for arcs
  • Strings with and without diameters
  • Name/Code for strings – used in OZ and NZ since 80s
  • Null z values in strings
  • Drainage/Sewer pits and pipes
  • Tins for surfaces and trimeshes for 3D objects
  • Alignments
  • Linear referencing using Alignments
  • Transitions – spirals, cubic parabolas, NSW cubic parabola …
  • So yes, with 12d Model 14, BIM can be Civil!

12d View

  • 12d View is a FREE 12d Model project viewer.
  • 12d View can also read in data from a variety of sources
  • Just like 12d Model, 12d View has:
    • Plan, Section and Perspective views
    • Profiling on section views
    • Inquire options
    • Measure options.
  • 12d View can use:an existing 12d Model authorisationORan existing 12d View authorisationORrun unregistered

12d Synergy 3 and 12d Synergy 4

  • Latest versions support 12d Model 14.


All in all, a pretty action-packed introduction to 12d Model 14! Watch the video to see Lee’s full presentation!

Posted on March 15, 2019 at 12:53 pm

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