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12d Model ADAC

ADAC Flyer
ADAC Flyer

This module enables the reading and writing of vendor independent ADAC XML files (Asset Design As Constructed) as governed by the organization IPWEA. This format is designed specifically for 3D data sets and is intended to allow for spatial asbuilting of survey accurate public and private assets.

Of the 68 approved asset types within the ADAC schema, 12d® Model™ completely reflects the schema and its associated attributes and values so there is no data loss in the creation or reading of ADAC data. This will allow for ‘round trip’ of data between surveyors and designers, as well as Territorial Authorities.

The most important aspect of this approach to spatial asset information is that the process for preparing data for ADAC attribution fits into the current work flow of organizations that use 12d® Model™.

The asset object preparation and processing will be determined by which modules are active on a 12d® Model™ license. For example, users with the Survey module will be able to process ADAC survey objects. Similarly, a 12d® Model™ license with the Urban Drainage module will be able to process ADAC stormwater/wastewater assets.