Making BIM Civil
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12d Model and BIM
Data Loaded into 12d Model from ArchiCAD IFC Files
The Civil industry never stands still! Years ago, only alignments and cross sections were used for design. Next,
string design was introduced to model the complex geometries that cross sections couldn’t handle...and now we have Civil BIM!

12d and BIM
Building Information Modelling (BIM) is fast becoming essential on all projects.
To date, most of the BIM standards have only been for vertical buildings and not Civil works.
From its inception, 12d Model has been an open 3D Civil and Surveying Digital Engineering package with a published interchange format 12da/12dXML for all of its data. Now using the International Open BIM interchange format, IFCs, almost all the data in 12d Model - super strings, tins, drainage and sewer networks, and trimeshes - can be written out for seamless transfer to other BIM packages, including attributes and meta data as user defined Property Sets.
Conversely, 12d Model can read in IFC files from Architectural and other IFC supporting packages such as ArchiCAD, Revit, Tekla and VectorWorks. And by utilising the power of 12d Model, any localised data read in can be quickly transformed so that it accurately fits in with the civil data in real world coordinates such as MGA.
This revolutionary approach means that 12d Model can display, perform clash detection, set out for construction and do conformance checks, for data in projects ranging from building sites that cover hundreds of square metres, to roads, rail and other linear structures that extend over tens or hundreds of kilometres.
Using their unique knowledge, 12d Solutions has worked on the Precinct Information Modelling project as part of the CRC for Low Carbon Living. And as a founding member of the Open BIM Alliance, 12d Solutions is actively interacting with other Vendors supporting the International IFC format.
12d Solutions is also involved in the International BuildingSMART IFC Summits and meetings that define the IFC format, and in particular the development of the coming IFCs and Civil BIM standards for Alignments, Roads, Rail, Bridges and Tunnels.
The Benefits of 12d BIM Functionality
Data fidelity – make data loss a thing of the past! 3D Data and Civil Data – 12d Model is a full 3D package but also supports important Civil data such as horizontal and vertical alignments, drainage, sewer and water networks, and null z-values.
Integrated Work Flow – the collection and generation of data from the initial survey pickup, through all design, construction and as-builts is integrated into the normal 12d Model workflow. No interpackage transfers are required.
Data Reuse – 12d Model maximises data reuse and minimises manual editing.
No Additional Cost – IFC BIM is a standard part of 12d Model and is included free of charge for all customers on subscription or annual maintenance.