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Civil Bim

We’ve had so much great feedback on our Civil BIM features in recent times that we feel it’s time for us to really talk about this functionality within our software products.

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12d continues to be world leaders in Civil BIM, and our Managing Director, Dr Lee Gregory, attends the six-monthly buildingSMART International IFC Standards summits all over the world, in particular the Infrastructure Room, which is responsible for defining the Open BIM IFCs for alignments, tins, roads, railways, tunnels and bridges.

12d is also involved in Pilot Projects to read and write the proposed Civil IFCs to ensure that they are workable

Many of our users are successfully using 12d Model and 12d Synergy as their Civil BIM solutions, as showcased in most of the client talks given at the 12d International Technical Forum 2018.

For all our users on Maintenance, the IFC reader and writer are included in all Bases for the 64-Bit version.

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