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12d Model training...wherever you are!

Most face-to-face 12d Model training (including in-house) remains on hold until further notice.

In the meantime, we’re conducting online training - register your interest today (and tell us which courses you’d like to complete).

We’ve been doing test runs of our online courses, and they’re going really well so far!

You can also check out the online training options being offered by our NSW/ACT/SA reseller, Extra Dimension Solutions!

While we're unable to train you in person for the time being, we're still keen for you to keep upskilling, especially in these uncertain times when many of us will be working from home.

If you haven't already done so, please subscribe to our 12d Model YouTube Channel for lots of great video content - it's organised into playlists by topic, and all our previous webinars are on there in their own playlists, so you can catch up on any of those you might have missed.

ExDS has also made their Introductory and Basic Training Resources (Design & Survey) available online free of charge, so if you're just starting out 12d Model, that would be a great place to start honing your skills! Their Online Help page has help for common design tasks, such as Alignment Design, Speed Tables, SA Computators, Visualisation Timelines.

Using 12d Model from Home

One of the other questions we are being asked is whether 12d Model can be used from home. The short answer is ‘yes’.

There are no 12d Solutions licence restrictions when doing so. Standalone 12d Model dongles can be used anywhere and anytime, and there’s no restriction to accessing network licences from outside the office.

As such, there is no restriction on using a VPN, or opening up a port to access your 12d Model network licences from home. If your IT department is unclear on how to proceed, please contact your local Sales team to discuss how we can help.

If you’ve been stood down from work and want to use this time to up-skill at home, we’re happy to discuss how we can help you with that, too.

Keep an eye on our website for updates.