12d ideal for Northala Fields - Peter Brett Associates

ClientLondon Borough of EalingLocationUnited Kingdom
ConsultantPeter Brett AssociatesContractorStantec

Project Summary

Northala Fields occupies some 18.5 ha in the Northolt area of the London Borough of Ealing (LBE) and is at the heart, both physically and strategically, of the larger development of the Northolt and Greenford Countryside Park (an area of over 100 ha). The site has long been recognised as the central component, connecting the surrounding areas, facilities and features for the community, and as such the LBE wished to develop the area using a very creative solution.

The Challenge

In order to achieve the vision for Northala Fields, it was proposed that the development generate its own funding, through the importation onto site of a substantial volume of select quality fill (approximately 500,000 cubic metres). 


The Solution

The new landform created by this importation would then enable a number of other development goals for the site to be achieved, including:
• a series of separate lakes of different depths for fishing and model sail boats
• an ecological area to the south of the site which will also form part of the Northolt Golf Club extension
• modifications to Northolt Golf Club
• improved sporting facilities (hard surface area for basketball, football wall etc)
• a children’s playground
• seats and picnic tables throughout the park in key locations
• car parking areas
• a footbridge across Kensington Road
• a grassed amphitheatre.

Consulting engineering firm Peter Brett Associates was approached to provide the necessary geo-technical and earthworks engineering information for the project. It was quickly decided that due to the size and complexity of the project, 12d Model software would be a definite advantage as it allows quick and accurate surface modelling, volume calculations and high quality output of both engineering drawings, as well as 3D public display images.

The Result

Given the extremely tight deadline for the project, without the support of 12d Solutions the project would not have been the success that it has become.

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