AECOM | Civil Object Creation
Mount Lindesay Highway
Alexander MacDonald | Model for the Automatic Costing of Earthworks (MACE)
Arup | Olympic Village London 2012
Pushing the boundaries of design innovation
Gold Coast Rapid Transit - Arup
Macros for Gold Coast Rapid Transit
M4 Smart Motorway
Diverging Diamond Interchange, Caloundra
Arup-Cardno | Finding the right solution on the W2B upgrade
Arup-Cardno Joint Venture | Finding the right solution on the W2B upgrade
Aurecon | State Highway 16 Causeway Upgrade
Days in the Sun
Aurecon Jacobs JV | West Gate Tunnel
Barwon Water | West Barwon Dam
Baseline Group Ltd | Overhead Power Easements
Beca Ltd | Christchurch Infrastructure Recovery
Bland & Jackson Surveyors Ltd | Fernbrook Development
Bonacci Group Pty Ltd | Ballarat Airport
Brisbane City Council | Flood Surface Construction
Hale Street Link Associated Project
CLEM7 and Legacy Way
Point Clouds at BCC
Brown Consulting (now Calibre Group) | Googong Township Neighbourhood - Stage 1A
Bundaberg Regional Council | Streamlining Workflows
ADAC: Design XML and Beyond
Buro Happold | Makkah (Mecca) - Saudi Arabia
Calibre Rail | Port Hedland Rail
Cardno | Gold Coast Rapid Transit
Shoal Place
HillClose Estate
12d Takes to the Beach
Christchurch City Council | Ferrymead Bridge
City of Gold Coast | Pacific Highway Underpass - Gold Coast
Colin Taylor | 12d Model proves asset for surveyor on the go
Connell Wagner (now Aurecon) | Major player in the Kelvin Grove vision
Dalton Consulting Engineers | Taylors Road Retarding Basin
Dapto Race Track
Pakenham Racecourse
St Kevin's Educational and Sports Facilities
Department of Planning, Transport, and Infrastructure | Rail Revitalisation Project
Department Of Transport & Main Roads, Queensland | Kennedy Highway Upgrade
Main Roads working smarter, designing faster
Durkin Construction Pty Ltd | Ryde Transmission Feeder Clash Detection
Eliot Sinclair and Partners | LiDAR Verification post Christchurch earthquake (2011)
Porters Ski Field
Sewer Collector Mains Design - Canterbury
Export/Import Tools
Plotting Tools
Sun Shadow - Adverse Effects
Gary McLean | Adelaide Hills Rail
Gary Pidd Architect Ltd (now Studio 26) | Forethought takes NZ architects to the forefront
Geo Image Services | Southern Sydney Freight Line
GHD | Combined Services Route (CSR)
Victoria Harbour
12d Model and Revit
Ara Tuhono - Puhoi to Wellsford
KML Road Design
Ground Developments Ltd | Colzium Estate
Harrison Infrastructure Group | Toowoomba Second Range Crossing
HLG Contracting LLC | Khalifa Ports and Industrial Zone
Hornsby Shire Council | Hornsby Quarry
Infinity Surveys Pty Ltd | Wonawinta Tailings Dam
Innovative Solutions Indonesia | Innovative Solutions in Indonesia
IPWEA (see p.30) | Creating a Common CAD Standard
IPWEAQ | Welcome to IPWEAQ Partner, 12d Solutions!
J. Wyndham Prince | Macro Saves Hundreds of Hours in Design Setup
Jacobs (then Sinclair Knight Merz) | 12d Model flies high
12d Model streamlines subdivision design
JBT Consulting Pty Ltd | Adelaide Metropolitan Rail
John Holland Construction/Barclay Mowlem Pty Ltd | 12d Model helps to build Queensland's Smart Road
Kellogg, Brown and Root | Gas Plant Civil Design
King and Campbell Pty Ltd | Ocean Club Resort
Land Surveys | Sydney CBD and South East Light Rail (CSELR)
Lendlease (then Abigroup) | Regrade Program
Sydney Olympic Arena Checks in with 12d Model
LLBJV | Building NorthConnex: Managing Australia's largest tunnelled motorway project
Lynton Surveys Pty Ltd | WGTSM Woogaroo Trunk Sewer Main
Main Roads Western Australia | 12d Slashes Planning Time Tables in WA
Max Padovan & Associates (MPA Surveying) | Busway success
Mayer Brown Ltd | Heyford Hill Roundabout
Mortons Urban Solutions | Ormeau Ridge
Kings Forest Development
Mott MacDonald | Canberra Airport
MWH NZ Ltd | Flood Slip Recovery - Wainui Hill
North Strathfield Rail Underpass Alliance | Rail Underpass tunnel pushes below passenger line
Peter Brett Associates | 12d ideal for Northala Fields
Port of Brisbane Corporation | 12d Model Provides Land and Sea Data for Fisherman Islands
Position Magazine | The Digital Surveyor: A changing role into the future
Queensland Rail (QR) | Field File Reformatting
Roads and Maritime Services NSW | North Kiama Bypass
Robert Bird Group | Kevin's Corner Coal Mine
Shankland Cox Ltd | Yas Island
Jebel Hafeet Glacier Development
SMEC | Engineering the Auxiliary Spillway at Warragamba
Practical Virtual Reality
Southern Land Ltd | Hikuwai Residential Subdivision
Southern Land Works Remotely to Deliver Land Development Projects
Stronger Christchurch Infrastructure Rebuild Team | Christchurch Rebuild
12d helps rebuild Christchurch
Subtera Subsurface Locating | Bakers Hill Subsurface Utility Survey
Sydney 2000 Olympics | Aussie, Aussie, Aussie
Tatras Consulting | Reflections on BIM from across the Tasman
Thompson McRobert Edgeloe (TME) - now Calibre | Bunbury Trotting Complex Upgrade
TMK Consulting Engineers | Mount Barker Lifestyle Village
Tomlinson and Carruthers Surveyors Ltd | Masterton
The changing face of NZ surveying
Traffic Design Group | Restricted Environment Motorway/Interchange Design
URS Australia (now AECOM) | North Coast Curve Easing
Mining Expansion Project
Waterman Civil & Transportation Group | Waterman floods the UK
Waterman Transport and Development Ltd | Westfield White City
Westlink M7 | Westlink M7
Westrail (now TransWA) | 12d Model Puts $550m Rail Plan On Track
Wollongong City Council | Creek Stabilisation - Thirroul
39 Coachwood Drive
Wood and Grieve | Creation of a Design Pool
WSP | Parsons Brinckerhoff | Mains and Kessels Roads
Victorian Major Projects